Overcoming Engagement Barriers

How Tech Giant Surpassed Industry Standards by 167% with Prowess Targeted Social Media Expertise





unique individuals reached


cost per click (CPC)

Achieve Higher Audience Engagement with a Social-Media Ad Campaign

Prowess Consulting helped boost content to reach 63,000 individuals within two weeks, surpassing LinkedIn benchmarks at less than half the industry cost-per-click rate.



Companies large and small invest in marketing content to reach their audiences. But for large corporations, marketing teams must usually rely on other internal teams to get their content amplified, often competing for resources with their colleagues as more content is created.

In addition, research has shown that people’s attention spans are shorter than ever. By one estimate, attention spans have steadily decreased over the past decades to a mere 47 seconds today.For social media, this time limit is even shorter: A commonly held belief in the marketing industry holds that the first few seconds of a social-media post are crucial for capturing audience attention. Not only must your social-media content stop readers in their tracks, but it also has to keep them engaged until they reach the ultimate goal, whether that’s to visit a website or to download a white paper.

And there are many potential missteps along the way. As a result, it’s not uncommon for companies to spend extensive time and resources on a set of technical marketing content, only to find that their hard work reaches only a few members of their intended audience.

Our marketing and consulting team can help clients work through and resolve these issues. With Prowess Consulting’s help, our clients can achieve higher engagement rates with their intended audiences across metrics, including impressions, click-through rates, and cost-per-click rates.

Case Study: Using Prowess Consulting Social-Media Channels to Amplify Content

One large technology client recently developed a white paper for a specific audience of IT decision makers. This client worked with Prowess Consulting to create social-media posts and a blog post promoting the paper, but the paper still wasn’t achieving the results (measured in content views) that the client had hoped for. The social-media posts were getting a decent number of impressions, but the client wanted to see how it could improve performance. In addition, they wanted to improve conversion rates, which dropped precipitously at the final step of downloading the paper.


We quickly developed a two-week ad campaign to promote the client’s blog post on our own social-media channels. After the client provided the linked asset and outlined a budget and campaign objective, Prowess Consulting developed visual content specifically targeted to the IT decision-maker audience. This content was A/B tested to determine the best-performing option.

Kevin Provost, Prowess Consulting account director, says our agility and established presence in social media among an IT audience were the keys to success. “We utilized our network of followers and expertise to boost engagement,” Provost says. “A large percentage of our followers are in the [client’s] core audience.”


The campaign goal of achieving 200 blog-post views was surpassed significantly, with the blog post reaching an impressive 845 views halfway through the campaign. The effort was a resounding success, as our metrics outperformed platform benchmarks.


Boosted LinkedIn Metrics that show click-through rate, impressions, and CPC.

The campaign’s impact was particularly notable among individuals with the job titles of software engineer, senior software engineer, and chief executive officer at large Fortune 100 companies.

“I believe the campaign’s success is due to a combination of the content and the fact that we are able to be nimble and target the right audience,” Provost explains. “We also spent time throughout the two weeks optimizing things along the way—the campaign wasn’t something we would just launch and be done with.”

Maddie Moran, Prowess Consulting marketing manager, agrees. “We could just run ads like any other partner,” she says, “but we try to go above and beyond to ensure the client is successful.”

“I believe the campaign’s success is due to a combination of the content and the fact that we are able to be nimble and target the right audience. We also spent time throughout the two weeks optimizing things along the way—the campaign wasn’t something we would just launch and be done with.”

– Kevin Provost, Prowess Account Director

Prowess Consulting also delivered a report to the client at the end of the campaign containing a comprehensive analysis of the overall campaign performance. This analysis encompassed key metrics, including those for the best performing ads, cost effectiveness, and detailed analytics in three areas:

  • Industry: A deep dive of the industries that engaged with the content, enabling a targeted approach for future campaigns.
  • Job title: Insights into the job titles of the individuals who interacted with the campaign, aiding in refining audience-targeting strategies.
  • Company: A thorough examination of the companies that actively engaged with the content, providing valuable information for refining the campaign’s focus.

“Our client found the executive summary and report very useful,” says Provost. “It’s something they can share back to their management and company leaders.”

Key Takeaways

The outcome of the campaign not only reflects how the content resonated with the audience, but it also positions the client for continued success as it refines and optimizes its approach in subsequent campaigns with Prowess Consulting.

This campaign beat the performance of past campaigns, reducing past CPC results by 34% and making the client’s budget go further. We took several steps to maximize success in our client’s social-media ad campaign:

  • We discussed goals for amplifying an asset or assets with the client.
  • We strategized how to optimize content.
  • We created four variations of ads developed for the targeted audience for A/B testing.
  • We monitored and optimized campaign performance within 48 hours of the initial post and then throughout the two-week campaign.
  • We developed a final report with key insights and recommendations.


Are you looking to improve engagement with your social media content? Reach out to Prowess Consulting at info@prowessconsulting.com.


Read the following case studies to learn more about our services that help your business succeed:

To learn more about what we do at Prowess Consulting, view our latest research and follow us on LinkedIn.


1 American Psychological Association. “Speaking of Psychology: Why our attention spans are shrinking, with Gloria Mark, PhD.” February 2023.




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