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Banks and credit unions need smart marketing in order to thrive in an industry where customer expectations are constantly evolving. If your institution is still running traditional batch marketing campaigns with mediocre results, it might be time to consider adding trigger-based marketing to the mix.
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Comparing Microsoft® SharePoint® to Microsoft® OneDrive® isn’t entirely straightforward, because it is not an apples-to-apples comparison. You might need both, or you might need neither. At first glance, they may appear similar, as both are used for document management, sharing, and storage. But their commonalities end there.
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In the last eighteen months, generative AI (GenAI) has gone mainstream, compelling organizations like credit unions to explore how they can benefit from this technology. Created to craft engaging responses that feel like a real conversation inspired by what a person says or asks, GenAI has the potential to reduce costs while improving customer satisfaction. Additionally, as the number of users comfortable with digital interaction grows, so too will the need for services enabled by GenAI.
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Financial planning conversation between two women
Learn how to grow your credit union's deposits in 2025 from Prowess' MD. Target the right members, personalize your approach, and leverage data-driven insights for sustainable growth.
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Even though most enterprise organizations use data and analytics to drive strategy, only 39% of executives believe their organizations manage data as an asset, and even fewer (24%) view their companies as being data-driven. For companies striving to capitalize on the promises of data and analytics, it can help to study successful leaders. Let’s look at how three companies benefit significantly from analytics.
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Business leaders who understand the different types of AI are better able to harness its potential to drive innovation and efficiency. Let’s review the differences between traditional AI and generative AI and the types of uses for which each of them is best suited.
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It seems like everyone these days is incorporating generative AI (GenAI) to improve efficiency, productivity, and costs. GenAI holds the promise to be a game changer, but many businesses aren’t sure whether or how it’s right for them. If you find yourself questioning whether AI is the right fit for your business, you’re not alone. Despite all the buzz, GenAI isn’t seeing universal adoption just yet. In fact, research by The Register finds that a whopping 81% of mid-market organizations are currently avoiding AI. They just don’t see the benefit. While caution is understandable before jumping on the GenAI bandwagon (see our blog post about this), the pressure is mounting to harness GenAI and reap its benefits. So, what’s the smart way forward? In a word: planning. GenAI is a journey, and like any trip, it requires a roadmap and thoughtfully planned steps. Here’s some guidance for charting your course in GenAI.
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Many organizations use Microsoft® SharePoint® as a document repository and archive. Yours may be one of them. But SharePoint® offers more than that. It can become a unifying hub that reaches across the company. The site can be used as a dynamic daily point-of-entry for company news, the latest links to developments within the company, and any communications from the administration, various business and tech units, channels, and teams. SharePoint® also provides links to internal site sections. We understand that organizations can build and manage their own SharePoint® sites. But many of our clients prefer to have us develop and maintain the content and workflows for their sites because we bring real value to those assets. Even with SharePoint’s considerable capabilities, it’s economical for our clients to let Prowess Consulting build and manage their sites. More important, though, we free up IT, web development, and management teams to work on other tasks—saving you time and money.
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If you read the tech news, you might believe that every business is using Generative AI (GenAI) to increase efficiency and productivity. But the real picture is quite different. Relax, you’re not falling behind. Let’s dive in.
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