Taming Unstructured Data

How a Multinational Technology Firm Tames Chaotic Unstructured Data Using Prowess Custom Managed Services



claims (and growing)



times accessed per month

Prowess Team


weeks to build

A Multinational Technology Firm Tames Chaotic Unstructured Data Using Custom Managed Services

A major technology enterprise that needed to extract value from unstructured data engaged with Prowess Consulting to bring order out of chaos.


Background & Challenges

Rapid access to critical data is key in a competitive tech industry landscape. This was the case with a major global technology business whose salespeople and internal staff needed to locate crucial product-related information. This information consisted of competitive narratives that included performance claims, proof points, benchmarks, partner solutions, case studies, and other related information.

Navigating an Avalanche of Claims

The company had over five thousand current performance claims embedded in white papers, product briefs, and product demos. And new product claims were being generated weekly by prolific test engineers. Clearly, the company had no shortage of historical and new data points available for generating sales and marketing content. These claims primarily lived in published documents, mostly as individual or combined data points in charts contained within hundreds of slides in Microsoft PowerPoint® decks. Additionally, these PowerPoint decks and published content documents were stored in a variety of digital locations/repositories. New assets were disseminated across the company as they became available, but sales staff quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information. The approach and system they were using were inefficient, unscalable, difficult to search, and unsustainable. This situation hindered the ability of sales representatives to quickly find relevant claims that they needed to close critical deals.


To address the problem, Prowess Consulting collaborated with key client stakeholders to create an efficient web-based solution that would enable sales and marketing staff to access data-driven claims quickly and easily based on a wide range of keywords, tags, and other search parameters. The solution would provide a simple, sustainable method for entering and maintaining data and for providing a clean, simple interface that would let users quickly pull relevant proof points out of a vast sea of data.

Building the Claims Navigator Tool

The design process began with identifying all the critical fields that would be required for a technically accurate and legally valid proof point or claim. These points included hardware and software details of tested systems, applications or benchmarks used in testing, testing dates, and many other details. Most important for sales and marketing teams, each entry also needed to include performance measurements.

Prowess needed to determine the most efficient way to store and access the data. A traditional database was initially considered but was rejected in favor of a Microsoft SharePoint® list. For the client, the SharePoint list offered several advantages: it was faster to develop and easier to build and use, cost less, and required less administrative overhead because SharePoint was already integrated into the client’s existing operations.

A test site was developed, and a team of Prowess Consulting editors entered claims data. As claims were reviewed, the look and feel of the interface was further refined even while additional claims were being added. This process meant that the site would be well populated with claims information and data when the design was finalized, shortening the time from development to release. In only 10 weeks, the completed solution was ported from Prowess Consulting test servers to the client’s internal servers.

In only 10 weeks, the completed solution was ported from Prowess Consulting test servers to the client’s internal servers.


The completed claims navigator tool allows users to go beyond endlessly searching for claims data inside PowerPoint decks and file folders. The tool’s search and filter functions are contextually relevant to users’ needs. Searches can be performed based on hardware, workload, feature, business vertical (industry), or competitor. Users can also easily perform an open search based on keywords.

Sales and marketing team members now have the ability to update or generate new assets with up-to-date proof points pulled from the claims navigator tool. Notably, Prowess Consulting provides a data analysis and integrity service that allows the client to send new data sources and assets for ingestion into the claims navigator tool while also providing data accuracy and confidence for large numbers of users.

As of the publication of this case study, Prowess Consulting has entered more than 5,000 claims into the tool/platform, which is accessed more than 300 times per month. Additional data integration and analysis work on new claims and proof points through Prowess Consulting keeps the data provided by the tool current for sales and marketing staff, vastly improving their ability to respond to client inquiries.

Key Takeaways

Prowess Consulting delivered a strategically planned, proactively managed, comprehensive solution that helped a major technology company solve the problem of unorganized, ever-changing, hard-to-find information.

Specifically, Prowess Consulting managed services provided the following:

  • Fast, easy access to competitive proof points, which are critical to sales and marketing teams
  • A complete end-to-end solution, from design to implementation, in less than 10 weeks
  • A user-friendly landing page, with simple instructions and an attractive layout, created by Prowess Consulting in-house writing and design teams

By providing guidance on the tool’s structure and design, as well as delivering on data quality and content, Prowess Consulting created a streamlined, intuitive, and engaging information tool positioned to serve its client’s sales and marketing teams and their needs for current and effective technical information.


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