When Nate Johnson was 8 years old, his dad bought an Apple computer. Nate turned to Nibble magazine, which had several pages of code in the back that readers could transcribe into BASIC to make an Apple computer do cool things, and he spent many happy hours learning to program.
“I was immediately hooked on computers,” Nate says. He built his first PC at age 12, buying components with money saved from his paper route, and he upgraded it every few years as new technology came out.
He took Advanced Placement (AP) computer-science classes in high school, where he excelled so much that he went straight from high school into his first technology job at Packard Bell. From there, he did some consulting by building and maintaining infrastructure for small to mid-sized businesses, developing broad and deep expertise in server technologies along the way.
Driven by this passion for technology, Nate has since become our VP of Engineering Services. He built the server environments and demos that were Prowess’s first client engagements in 2003, and he has developed successful keynote technology demos and architected globally distributed IT solutions.
Today, he instills the same passion into a dynamic team of IT engineering professionals and technologists who provide invaluable services to clients.
A Great Technical Foundation Enables Great Stories
Nate has curated and manages a team of technical presenters—technologists who understand the cloud space and can speak to both the technical and business value of our client’s solutions. For example, when a large software company wants to wow top-tier customers, it brings them to technology demo centers where they can see its cloud software in action. Nate’s team includes the presenters for these demos. They give the customers an overview of the technology and its use cases—weaving technical expertise with solutions-based marketing to make the technology come alive.
In addition, Nate’s team manages the back end of a large, globally distributed cloud demo platform. Because Nate and his team know the infrastructure so well, they help debug, publish content, and handle ticket requests. This across-the-board exposure means the engineers are involved in a range of activities throughout the sales cycle, including building awareness, enticing interest, instilling confidence, and showing examples.
Bottom line: Nate’s team of IT professionals tells compelling, demo-based stories supported by deep technical expertise. This combination instills confidence in our clients’ customers because Nate’s team can “speak geek,” but it can also understand solution selling and help customers see how our clients’ solutions can fit into their business needs and infrastructure.
To put Nate’s engineering team to work for your business, give Prowess a call. And to learn more about what we do and the technology stories we tell, follow Prowess on our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn.